Steve Mills, Steve Mills Marketing, a specialist Consultant from Newbury | Expertbase
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Steve M.

A Consultant from Newbury, United Kingdom

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Steve's Consulting Profile

Marketing Consultant, Sales and Business Growth Specialist
Steve is a Marketing Consultant, Sales and Business Growth Specialist. He's a Professional Speaker, Sales & Marketing Trainer and former International Sportsman. He is the Managing Director of a Marketing Company and is acknowledged as a leading marketing expert.

As well as writing four books on marketing, he has spoken to audiences all over the world including, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA as well as throughout the UK. He is a member of the Professional Speakers Association.

Steve is committed to helping small business to grow and his aim is to help small businesses all over the world to constantly and neverendingly improve.

Steve helps people to find the hidden profit that is sitting in their business. He does this by helping them to uncover and improve the underperforming operations they are currently using. He then looks for the highly performing strategies that they could use with minimum risk and investment.

He therefore helps businesses to harvest the windfall profit that they could be making, and he teaches them to turn these into on going streams of income.

In his nearly 30 years of experience he has never met a business that is fully maximising its true potential, either because they don't have the time, or expertise. Or, they simply have not bothered to ask themselves a very, very powerful question. The question is: How could we do this better?

Marketing Advice, Marketing Training, Sales Training, Marketing support, business advice, marketing mentoring, LinkedIn training.



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Steve's Consulting Expertise

45 Years of Experience


Verbal and non verbal communication
Neuro Associative conditioning
The science of peak performance
Peak performance in business and sport

45 Years of Experience

Marketing - General

Marketing on a shoe string budget,
Direct Marketing,
Referral and network marketing

45 Years of Experience

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategies
Implementation Strategies
Corporate image
Internal corporate marketing
Notice boards
Corporate training
Public relations
Pricing strategy
Internet marketing
Strategic partnerships
Corporate brochure
Testing marketing
Secondary spend
Packaging services
Guarantees and incentives
Sales training for staff
Referral marketing
Building a Database and Direct Mail
Customer relationship management
The competition
Financial Recommendations
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