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Vernon Speaks
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Taught From A Practical Position For Ease Of Implementation
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Vernon's Experience Map
Vernon's Training Profile
Competitive intelligence
Vernon is a leading practitioner with more than 30 years' experience in intelligence operations and knowledge management, he currently conducts regular seminars with the Singapore Institute of Management and with several leading training providers throughout Asia and the Middle East. He has worked with Bond, Deakin, Monash, and RMIT Universities; the College of International Business; the Institute for International Research; the International Quality and Productivity Centre; the CEO Institute; International Enterprise Singapore; the Australian Trade Commission; the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation; the ASEAN-EC Management Centre (Brunei); the Singapore Ministry of Defence; Etisalat Academy (Dubai); the Queensland Department of State Development & Innovation; and with many major companies (who prefer not to be identified).
His book describes how to manage intelligence for competitive advantage. His comprehensive glossary of approximately 500 terms used in intelligence and knowledge management, The Language of Business Intelligence, is available online under the auspices of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) at under CI Resources: Language of BI. The glossary is also available on the European Knowledge Board website.
He has a post-graduate Diploma in Librarianship and Information Science (DipLib), is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts, manufactures and commerce (FRSA), a Fellow of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (FSCIP), a member of the Knowledge Board, a member of the SCIP International Editorial Board, and Founder of the Society of Knowledge and Competitive Intelligence Professionals Australia (SCIPAust). He is the recipient of a SCIP Fellow's Award. He is also a member of the Caterpillar Club.
His book describes how to manage intelligence for competitive advantage. His comprehensive glossary of approximately 500 terms used in intelligence and knowledge management, The Language of Business Intelligence, is available online under the auspices of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) at under CI Resources: Language of BI. The glossary is also available on the European Knowledge Board website.
He has a post-graduate Diploma in Librarianship and Information Science (DipLib), is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts, manufactures and commerce (FRSA), a Fellow of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (FSCIP), a member of the Knowledge Board, a member of the SCIP International Editorial Board, and Founder of the Society of Knowledge and Competitive Intelligence Professionals Australia (SCIPAust). He is the recipient of a SCIP Fellow's Award. He is also a member of the Caterpillar Club.
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Vernon's Training Expertise
45 Years of Experience
Competitive Intelligence
Enables you to establish and manage an effective competitive intelligence operation in your own organisation. Vernon will provide you with practical tools and techniques that will allow you to:
* determine your information needs;
* set up an intelligence network;
* gather information from a wide variety of sources using legal and ethical techniques;
* safeguard your company’s secrets (three-day);
* analyse information and convert it into intelligence;
* improve your planning;
* create business opportunities;
* innovate (three-day)
* develop the most effective knowledge-management and information-retrieval tool;
* enhance your communications skills;
* produce briefings and reports that will stimulate executive response;
* set up and manage an effective competitive intelligence operation.
* determine your information needs;
* set up an intelligence network;
* gather information from a wide variety of sources using legal and ethical techniques;
* safeguard your company’s secrets (three-day);
* analyse information and convert it into intelligence;
* improve your planning;
* create business opportunities;
* innovate (three-day)
* develop the most effective knowledge-management and information-retrieval tool;
* enhance your communications skills;
* produce briefings and reports that will stimulate executive response;
* set up and manage an effective competitive intelligence operation.
30 Years of Experience
Knowledge Management
Practical tools and techniques needed to create, transfer, and manage knowledge throughout an organisation, with the emphasis on people and communication.
Training in Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management that enables attendees to set up and manage a CI or KM operations in their own companies.
Training in Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management that enables attendees to set up and manage a CI or KM operations in their own companies.