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Shishir's Specialty
Lets thrive innovation and do it quicker.With 20+ years in process excellence & project management roles. We use a unique model distilled from Design Thinking, Lean Six Sigma, TRIZ practices. I have driven transformations in areas like Strategy, Cost, Revenue, & Digital Transformation across diverse industries like Mining, IT & Ed-Tech.
Shishir's Consulting Profile
Six Sigma Master Black Belt & PMP Innovator
22+ years in solving business problems across IT, ITES, Mining, Ed Tech, Elder Care, Hospitality, HR Outsourcing.
I am a Creative Thinker, Innovator & Design Thinking Practitioner. An experienced business excellence and project management leader, who has delivered and set up - lean, six sigma programs; transformation programs; portfolio management operations globally, for very large companies.
I have lead global virtual teams to work with functional teams of HR, IT, finance, procurement, infrastructure to successfully manage change, outsourcing programs, large transformation and technology projects.
Certifications: PMP, Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt ( ISI Bglr) ; ASQ CSSBB, COPC RC, ISO 9001:2000 Internal QMS Auditor
Career Savings: $40+Million net
Trained : 1000+
Certified 200+ Projects
I am a Creative Thinker, Innovator & Design Thinking Practitioner. An experienced business excellence and project management leader, who has delivered and set up - lean, six sigma programs; transformation programs; portfolio management operations globally, for very large companies.
I have lead global virtual teams to work with functional teams of HR, IT, finance, procurement, infrastructure to successfully manage change, outsourcing programs, large transformation and technology projects.
Certifications: PMP, Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt ( ISI Bglr) ; ASQ CSSBB, COPC RC, ISO 9001:2000 Internal QMS Auditor
Career Savings: $40+Million net
Trained : 1000+
Certified 200+ Projects
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Shishir's Consulting Expertise
17 Years of Experience
Conceptualising, business case creation to planning and managing the program. Cultural change management
14 Years of Experience
Innovation Consulting
Generating insights thru a unique model that based on Triz in service. We get insight 5 time faster and better. A unique combination of design thinking, Lean , Theory of inventive problem solving.
25 Years of Experience
Call Centre Related
Improving Metric Management and achievement. Transition of services. Process Excellence & Process Quality Management