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Jeffrey Speaks
Excellent Group Facilitator
Particularly Groups With Diverse Background
Excellent Trainer In The Skills And Principles Of Innovation Amp
Excellent Front-of-room Speaking And Interactive Skills Humorous
Excellent Written Communication Skills Have Published Numerous Articles On Subject Of Innovation And Creativity In Business.
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Jeffrey's Coaching Profile
Business Innovation and Creativity Coach
Jeffrey helps corporate clients achieve desired outcomes through innovation and creative problem solving. In addition to working on specific business problems and opportunities, he works with many clients in a training, coaching, or speaking capacity, imparting the skills of creative thinking and high performance teamwork.
Jeff developed and refined his capabilities in this area as a former principal at Synectics, Inc., an international consulting firm recognized as the pioneer in the field of business innovation. Since 1990, he has worked with client teams from many industries inventing new technologies, re-designing manufacturing operations, creating new product and marketing concepts, identifying fresh applications for existing technologies, naming new products and businesses, and planning strategies for the future. He has also designed highly successful management conferences which feature exciting, creative approaches for addressing difficult corporate issues.
Jeff bases his practice on two core beliefs: (1) that his clients - and not any outside consultant - are the real experts in their businesses, and (2) that everyone has creative potential. He therefore concentrates on designing processes which maximize the impact of his clients' knowledge and talent in tackling the challenges they face. This approach has enabled him to work effectively in a wide range of business sectors, including manufacturing, high tech, food service, telecommunications, journalism, scientific research, and financial services. In addition, he has taught hundreds of work teams the principles of innovative problem solving and teamwork.
Jeff is a graduate of the University of Rochester, and holds graduate degrees in psychology from Northeastern and Boston Universities. He enjoys camping, cycling, hiking and kayaking - all the things you can't do sitting in your office. He is on the board of the Institute of Management Consultants, New England Chapter, and past president of his local Toastmasters International club, where he holds an Advanced Toastmasters certificate. He is a founding member of the Alliance for Professional Excellence. His business innovation and creativity articles have appeared in Innovative Leader, Decision Magazine (Ireland), Boston Business Journal, Executive Excellence, CIO, It's About Business, Mass High Tech and the Handbook of Business Strategy.
Some of Jeff's clients include:
American Hospital Assn., American Medical Assn., Available Plastics, Inc. , BP Amoco Polymers, The Coca-Cola Co., Delta Dental, Dresdner Bank AG, Helene Curtis, National Research Council (Canada), Pacific Bell, Pearson Education, Pulitzer Publishing Co., Siemens AG, Starbucks Coffee Co., Union Carbide
Jeff developed and refined his capabilities in this area as a former principal at Synectics, Inc., an international consulting firm recognized as the pioneer in the field of business innovation. Since 1990, he has worked with client teams from many industries inventing new technologies, re-designing manufacturing operations, creating new product and marketing concepts, identifying fresh applications for existing technologies, naming new products and businesses, and planning strategies for the future. He has also designed highly successful management conferences which feature exciting, creative approaches for addressing difficult corporate issues.
Jeff bases his practice on two core beliefs: (1) that his clients - and not any outside consultant - are the real experts in their businesses, and (2) that everyone has creative potential. He therefore concentrates on designing processes which maximize the impact of his clients' knowledge and talent in tackling the challenges they face. This approach has enabled him to work effectively in a wide range of business sectors, including manufacturing, high tech, food service, telecommunications, journalism, scientific research, and financial services. In addition, he has taught hundreds of work teams the principles of innovative problem solving and teamwork.
Jeff is a graduate of the University of Rochester, and holds graduate degrees in psychology from Northeastern and Boston Universities. He enjoys camping, cycling, hiking and kayaking - all the things you can't do sitting in your office. He is on the board of the Institute of Management Consultants, New England Chapter, and past president of his local Toastmasters International club, where he holds an Advanced Toastmasters certificate. He is a founding member of the Alliance for Professional Excellence. His business innovation and creativity articles have appeared in Innovative Leader, Decision Magazine (Ireland), Boston Business Journal, Executive Excellence, CIO, It's About Business, Mass High Tech and the Handbook of Business Strategy.
Some of Jeff's clients include:
American Hospital Assn., American Medical Assn., Available Plastics, Inc. , BP Amoco Polymers, The Coca-Cola Co., Delta Dental, Dresdner Bank AG, Helene Curtis, National Research Council (Canada), Pacific Bell, Pearson Education, Pulitzer Publishing Co., Siemens AG, Starbucks Coffee Co., Union Carbide
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Jeffrey's Coaching Expertise
39 Years of Experience
Meetings, Meeting Planning
Designs large company meetings and conferences that inspire creative thinking, innovative solutions to company challenges, and full participation by all attending.
* Your company's annual meetings and other large gatherings should be extraordinary.
From a cost perspective alone, you can't afford them not to be. Not to mention the opportunity to get the best each of your employees has to offer.
* At most large meetings, the conditions are ideal for finding innovative solutions to your company's most vexing problems.
On hand is your most diverse set of thinkers. They're away from their everyday routines, and most want to make something happen. Here also is the opportunity to put different combinations of people together, resulting in new "chemistries" - perfect for creative problem solving!
Yet, most large meetings are distinguished mainly by the passivity of those attending.
They listen to speaker after speaker, with little opportunity to interact in a meaningful way.
* Can design and facilitate a meeting that will give you a higher return on your investment.
A meeting your employees will remember for the many innovative ideas generated, and for their own active participation.
* Your company's annual meetings and other large gatherings should be extraordinary.
From a cost perspective alone, you can't afford them not to be. Not to mention the opportunity to get the best each of your employees has to offer.
* At most large meetings, the conditions are ideal for finding innovative solutions to your company's most vexing problems.
On hand is your most diverse set of thinkers. They're away from their everyday routines, and most want to make something happen. Here also is the opportunity to put different combinations of people together, resulting in new "chemistries" - perfect for creative problem solving!
Yet, most large meetings are distinguished mainly by the passivity of those attending.
They listen to speaker after speaker, with little opportunity to interact in a meaningful way.
* Can design and facilitate a meeting that will give you a higher return on your investment.
A meeting your employees will remember for the many innovative ideas generated, and for their own active participation.
39 Years of Experience
Strategic Planning
Designs and facilitates a strategic planning process with top management to help them envision the future and develop strategic initiatives for success.
Preparing for an uncertain future is perhaps the #1 job of top-level management. Sometimes, though, it's difficult to imagine new directions. We get comfortable with what's worked in the past, or stuck by what has failed.
* Strategic planning should be a process that includes both logical/analytic thinking, as well as the imaginative and visionary.
Typically, top management arms itself well in the former area, with exhaustive market research, economic forecasts, and trend analyses. But the latter is less often part of the picture. This tends to confine their thinking to what has or has not been successful in the past.
* By facilitating a more creative strategic planning process, we enable your management team to think beyond the confines of current realities.
Looking at new market possibilities, new revenue streams, new technologies, and new applications for existing technologies - to keep you ahead of the curve and in front of your competition!
* Together, we create a roadmap for change - not merely a set of vague directions.
Your deliverable is a set of clearly-stated strategic initiatives, along with action plans for implementation. Nobody will have to ask, "What do we do now?"
Preparing for an uncertain future is perhaps the #1 job of top-level management. Sometimes, though, it's difficult to imagine new directions. We get comfortable with what's worked in the past, or stuck by what has failed.
* Strategic planning should be a process that includes both logical/analytic thinking, as well as the imaginative and visionary.
Typically, top management arms itself well in the former area, with exhaustive market research, economic forecasts, and trend analyses. But the latter is less often part of the picture. This tends to confine their thinking to what has or has not been successful in the past.
* By facilitating a more creative strategic planning process, we enable your management team to think beyond the confines of current realities.
Looking at new market possibilities, new revenue streams, new technologies, and new applications for existing technologies - to keep you ahead of the curve and in front of your competition!
* Together, we create a roadmap for change - not merely a set of vague directions.
Your deliverable is a set of clearly-stated strategic initiatives, along with action plans for implementation. Nobody will have to ask, "What do we do now?"
39 Years of Experience
Team Building
Accomplishes team building by working with your teams to find innovative solutions to actual business challenges that affect them directly. Because the issues are real, the teamwork and team skills continue back on the job.
* Teambuilding activities done for their own sake rarely stick.
You've seen all the approaches for encouraging teamwork - the obstacle courses, field trips, teambuilding games, puzzles to solve. And still, teams return to business as usual once they're back on the job.
* Real team building occurs when prescribed behaviors lead to tangible benefits, not simply good feelings.
Our teambuilding activities involve real, business-related tasks, in which each person has a stake. Challenges that require creative thinking. True collaboration occurs because it has to in order for the team to invent an innovative solution. Teamwork and innovation go hand-in-hand!
*Since the outcome directly affects each person, new team skills are much more likely to be repeated back at work.
Nothing reinforces behavior like success on the job.
* Teambuilding activities done for their own sake rarely stick.
You've seen all the approaches for encouraging teamwork - the obstacle courses, field trips, teambuilding games, puzzles to solve. And still, teams return to business as usual once they're back on the job.
* Real team building occurs when prescribed behaviors lead to tangible benefits, not simply good feelings.
Our teambuilding activities involve real, business-related tasks, in which each person has a stake. Challenges that require creative thinking. True collaboration occurs because it has to in order for the team to invent an innovative solution. Teamwork and innovation go hand-in-hand!
*Since the outcome directly affects each person, new team skills are much more likely to be repeated back at work.
Nothing reinforces behavior like success on the job.
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